Call for Good Practice Case Studies | State of European University-Business Cooperation
As part of the ‘State of European University-Business Cooperation’ study the Science-to-Business Marketing Research Centre and its project partners are inviting organisations involved with university-business cooperation (UBC)* including businesses, academics, universities, intermediaries and policy makers to suggest a good practice UBC case study about their strategies, practices, partnerships and achievements in developing UBC.
Participation in the call requires a short submission through before the the 15th Aprill, 2016.
In order to build understanding of what is happening between universities and businesses in Europe, organisations working in UBC at a national or regional level need to be represented. For this reason, the consortium invites you to respond to the call for cases.
Across Europe, numerous activities exist to promote UBC among universities and businesses. However, substantial variations exist between different countries and institutions, in whether and how UBC is promoted and developed. For this reason, the project is seeking a broad range of good practice cases from the 33 countries which highlight good practice in university-business cooperation and are therefore inviting contributors to submit their own or known good practice cases. The aim of this call then is to identify a range of leading examples of UBC and to collect and document this variety of activities and approaches and integrate them into describing the State of European UBC.
The 50 cases selected will be published by the European Commission in a UBC good practice report.
For further information, please go to
* UBC activities are defined within the project as joint curriculum design and delivery, lifelong learning, student mobility, academic/staff mobility, joint R&D, commercialisation of R&D, entrepreneurship, governance and facility and equipment sharing.