The first Board meeting
On 22 January 2016, at the SEEUTechPark premises was held a meeting at which the founders of the Technology Park has constituted two new bodies: the Executive Board and the Advisory Board of Directors.
By unanimous decision of the participants, Dr. Veronica Kareva is elected as a President, and Dr. Dennis Farrington was elected as a Vice President of the Executive Board of Directors.
By unanimous votes were also elected the members of the Advisory Board: SEEU's Rector, Prof. Dr. Zamir Dika, Mr. Dzevair Memedi and Mr. Besnik Xheladini.
In addition, the meeting was an excellent opportunity for SEEUTechPark management to present the activities undertaken so far and plans for the current 2016, as well as submission of quarterly operating and financial report of SEEUTechPark.They were shared and exchanged opinions on the best practices of involving all stakeholders in order to improve the operations and processes of the Technology Park, but also to review the prospects in all fields within the country and internationally.