
AdaptiveScale enables enterprises to harness the value of BigData. We remove the complexity of managing fleets of servers, regardless if they are physical or virtual, by


HotelKey is a suite of native mobile apps to manage hotels. To learn more, please contact us on how we can move your hotel management to your smartphones and tablets.


SCRIBA AG – The Company: ESCRIBA AG is not only a service provider and consulting firm, but also a manufacturer of ESCRIBA software – the specialized technology for a


Telegrafi Maqedoni, njė medium qė transmeton pėrvojėn e zyrės qendrore nė Kosovė pėr 11 vite deri tani. Zyra nė Maqedoni pėr disa muaj punė, u bė portali i pa


Software Development and Graphic Design company

Neting Solutions

Neting Solutions


Мисијата и визијата на ТурбоСофт

TurboSoft е компанија која се занимава со развој на ко

Bridge Technology

Кои сме ние?

Bridge Technology е “start-up” компанија која е заеднички потфат меѓу Bridge Technology Макед

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