1 shkurt 2024

Administrator (m/f)

Thirje per vend të ri të punës - Administrator (m/f)

17 korrik 2023

A keni një ide? Merni pjesë në Hakatonen Zgjidhje të Gjelbra!

Jeni student/nxënës, themelues apo punonjës i një startup-i? Ndoshta ju jeni dikush që keni zgjidhje per sfida ekologjike në komunitetin tuaj apo në kompaninë tuaj? A keni ide per punë të qëndrueshme ose dëshironi të realizoni ca iniciativa të gjelbra?Atëherë, kjo Thirrje Publike është për ju!

Aplikoni në Hakatonen Zgjidhje të Gjelbra për student dhe startupe që do të zhvillohet në datën 15 dhe 16 shtator 2023, në Tetovë.

1 dhjetor 2022

700 Accelerator-Thirje për startupe

PËRFITONI 100 ditë: Trajnime + Mentorim + Investime dhe rritni startup-in tuaj teknologjik, dixhital ose qarkor në nivelin tjetër!

21 nëntor 2022

Call for application – SEEU Foundation Incubator program

We are excited to announce that we are offering a unique incubation and acceleration programme for women-led initiatives and start-ups. Together with top experts from North Macedonia and Slovakia, you will be able to develop your idea, grow and turn it into a profitable business! Apply by the 12th of December and use this opportunity to nurture your business in a supportive and ambitious environment!

9 maj 2022

Administrator (m/f)

Thirje per vend të ri të punës - Administrator (m/f)

29 korrik 2021

Thirrje për përzgjedhje të NVM-ve nga sektori i turizmit

Kërkojmë ndërrmarje të vogla dhe të mesme (NVM) që veprojnë në Itali, Spanjë, Maqedoni e Veriut, Moldavi dhe Greqi për të marrë pjesë në “Programin e Ndërtimit të Kapaciteteve dhe Transferimit të njohurive” të CENTOUR i cili ka për qëllim përshpejtimin dhe zhvillimin e një strategjie specifike inovative për zbatimin e zgjidhjeve rrethore (përfshirë një Skemë Certifikimi – ECOLABEL/EMAS – për përzgjedhje të NVM-ve pjesëmarrëse)

5 prill 2021

Zhvillues/e i/e Projekteve

Thirje per vend të ri të punës - Zhvillues/e i/e Projekteve

16 nëntor 2020

Projekt Menaxher

Thirje per vend të ri të punes - Projekt Menaxher

17 qershor 2019

22 maj 2018

Konkurs Publik për Ekspert Energjetike

SEEUTechPark në kuadër të projektit “Tech4O2” finansuar nga Fondi për Inovacion dhe Zhvillim Teknologjik i Republikës së Maqedonisë shpall:

Konkurs Publik për Ekspert Energjetike (Ndotja e Ajrit)

5 prill 2016

1 prill 2016

23 mars 2016

IT Administrator

Për të plotësuar vendin e punës.

3 mars 2016

Web Integration Developer (m/w)

WEMOVO is a Berlin based technology company that offers a distribution platform (GDS) for international long distance bus service. WEMOVO has the mission to make bus travel more versatile, large-scale and easier to book for customers. Even more, we digitize bus companies, connecting them with travel agencies, online travel portals and mobility apps into our global network. Today, over 150 bus companies, among others, the two market leaders Eurolines Switzerland and ALSA from Spain, use our products. In addition, more than 3,500 digital and brick-and-mortar travel agencies use our technology to sell bus tickets around the world. Established in Germany, we want to grow our business and are looking for YOU.

3 mars 2016

Mobile Developer (m/w)

WEMOVO is a Berlin based technology company that offers a distribution platform (GDS) for international long distance bus service. WEMOVO has the mission to make bus travel more versatile, large-scale and easier to book for customers. Even more, we digitize bus companies, connecting them with travel agencies, online travel portals and mobility apps into our global network. Today, over 150 bus companies, among others, the two market leaders Eurolines Switzerland and ALSA from Spain, use our products. In addition, more than 3,500 digital and brick-and-mortar travel agencies use our technology to sell bus tickets around the world. Established in Germany, we want to grow our business and are looking for YOU.

3 mars 2016

PYTHON Web Developer (m/w)

WEMOVO is a Berlin based technology company that offers a distribution platform (GDS) for international long distance bus service. WEMOVO has the mission to make bus travel more versatile, large-scale and easier to book for customers. Even more, we digitize bus companies, connecting them with travel agencies, online travel portals and mobility apps into our global network. Today, over 150 bus companies, among others, the two market leaders Eurolines Switzerland and ALSA from Spain, use our products. In addition, more than 3,500 digital and brick-and-mortar travel agencies use our technology to sell bus tickets around the world. Established in Germany, we want to grow our business and are looking for YOU.

11 shkurt 2016

Projekt Menaxher

Për plotësimin e vendit të punës me kohë të caktuar.

16 dhjetor 2015

Junior PYTHON Web Developer Backend/Frontend (m/w)

WEMOVO is a Berlin based technology company that offers a distribution platform (GDS) for international long distance bus service. WEMOVO has the mission to make bus travel more versatile, large-scale and easier to book for customers. Even more, we digitize bus companies, connecting them with travel agencies, online travel portals and mobility apps into our global network. Today, over 150 bus companies, among others, the two market leaders Eurolines Switzerland and ALSA from Spain, use our products. In addition, more than 3,500 digital and brick-and-mortar travel agencies use our technology to sell bus tickets around the world. Established in Germany, we want to grow our business and are looking for YOU.

16 dhjetor 2015

Senior PYTHON Web Developer Backend (m/w)

WEMOVO is a Berlin based technology company that offers a distribution platform (GDS) for international long distance bus service. WEMOVO has the mission to make bus travel more versatile, large-scale and easier to book for customers. Even more, we digitize bus companies, connecting them with travel agencies, online travel portals and mobility apps into our global network Today, over 150 bus companies, among others, the two market leaders Eurolines Switzerland and ALSA from Spain, use our products. In addition, more than 3,500 digital and brick-and-mortar travel agencies use our technology to sell bus tickets around the world. Established in Germany, we want to grow our business and are looking for YOU.

20 nëntor 2015